A Safe, Reliable Electrical System is the backbone for all Systems in your home. Having this service available under the same roof as other systems will increase benefits to your design and service experience.
Service Calls Welcome!
Call 206-245-8485

The Ultimate in Smart Homes! All systems in your home integrate with this control system. No more separate controls for Lights, HVAC, Security, Distributed Audio Volume Controls. They all are accessed by these touch panels. No more wall clutter!
These are available in wireless controls as well.
Call 206-245-8485

Phone Systems are an incredible convenience, especially in homes over 3,000 sq. ft. Speed Dials, Paging and Intercom are standard with Panasonic Phone Systems Voice Mail is also available as an upgrade.
Call 206-245-8485

In large homes, Lighting Control is a must. How many times have you walked completely through your home to make sure all lights are off before you retire for the evening or wished you had a switch that turned on exterior lights when you hear something go “bump in the night?” Lighting control gives you these options as well as other features like pressing a button to have your home simulate occupancy while you are really on vacation. Another popular option is to wire your Security System into your Lighting Control System, so in an alarm condition, lights you have designated can go “ON” or “FLASH” to confuse a would be intruder. Wired and wireless systems available.
Call 206-245-8485